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Know your Learning and Study Style

Visual learners like to arrange their space and their work; remember what they see rather than what they hear and dont relay on verbal messages. Write them down. Visual learners respond to color, art, and mapping; and may know what to say but have trouble difficulty coming up with the right words. Visual learners like to have to have plan, good organizers, and would rather show you than tell you. Visual learners usually dont mind outside noise, doodle during phone conversations, classes, and meetings. Visual learners are often good spellers, and usually need to have verbal instructions repeated. They enjoy reading and would rather read than to be read to; need to see the 'whole picture' before they have a clear idea. For making decisions you might list out the pros and cons. For asking directions you might prefer a map or landmarks. And for learning skills youll probably respond better to diagrams or watch someone else do it

You are an Auditory learner! Auditory learners talk to themselves (doesnt mean your crazy); like to talk through a problem; read load; often move their lips and pronounce words as they read; and often repeat words to hear them. Auditory learners are often good speakers; speak in a rhythmic pattern; and remember what they hear. They dont visualize well; can spell better out loud; respond to patterns of sound, speech, and music. They usually find writing difficult are very talkative and love discussion. For decision-making you probably talk it over with a friend. For direction taking you prefer verbal instructions. And youll most likely respond better to learning when you listen more than anything or have someone talk you threw the problem


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